Vibrational Healing Workshops

2 Days of Workshops

Introducing Sound Into Your Therapies 
& Vibrational Raindrop 

Location:  Pordenone, Northern Italy
When:  25 & 26 May, 2024

Day 1 - Tuning Forks - with Suzanne  
7 hours of education in practical applications of tuning forks (used in conjunction with essential oils) - 10am - 6pm 

Introduction to using tuning forks on their own, with body massage, essential oils/aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology & Raindrop Technique
This workshop is a hands-on  seminar where students will be working on each other.  

Participants completing this advanced training will:
~ Learn the contraindications in the use of Tuning Forks with Essential Oils 
~ Learn how to handle the tuning forks 
~Learn the difference between weighted and non-weighted forks
~Tuning Fork Placement - Learn the most effective locations on the body to place the tuning forks 
Understand vibrational sound and frequency
~ Understand tonal intervals, energetics, and tuning forks
~ Identify properties and frequencies of essential oils used in Raindrop
~ Learn how essential oils applied with intention are "tuned in" with intervals
~ Learn about the Planetary forks including: Solar 7th, Zodiac 3rd & Major High Full Moon 
~ An introduction to sacred geometry - creating a Tetrahedron using the High Ohm Octave  
~ An introduction to the main meridian lines of the Governor Vessel (GV), the Conception Vessel (CV) and the Pericardium 8/Construction Palace (PC8)
~ Balancing the neuro-endocrine centres/chakras with weighted tuning forks
~ Watch a demonstration of a Vibrational Raindrop Technique session.
~ Acquire skills in handling tuning forks and essential oils in Raindrop application

~ Use the Ohm Unison weighted forks on yourself and other students 
~ Use the Ohm Octave weighted forks on yourself and other students
~ Learn how to perform The Benediction on other students - both on the back and the front of the body using 2 unweighted OM forks

There is really no way to describe a vibrational raindrop technique session - it is simply meant to be experienced!  Like Raindrop Technique ~ Vibrational Technique is also a very rejuvenating, soothing, safe & non-invasive technique that allows for complete and total relaxation!  This session has profound effects on the body, mind and soul with the client quickly reaching that deep state of relaxation as the sound vibrations activate the parasympathetic nervous system helping reduce stress in the body. This deep level of relaxation (still point - similar to states achieved in yoga, tai chi, & meditation) activates and allows the body to begin to heal old injuries and traumas hidden deep within making it a very memorable experience for those who seek rejuvenation and acceleration on their inner healing journey.

Day 2 -Vibrational Raindrop - for Raindrop practitioners only 
Please note that the above Day 1 is a prerequisite for Day 2 
This will be an 7 hour CPD workshop 10-6 


Certificates of CPD will be given to all those attending.  

It is anticipated  that these workshops will fill up quickly.  
If you are interested, please contact me to go onto a waiting list and 
to be informed of further information as it becomes available.  
