I am very excited you are here - and look forward to sharing my knowledge with you! 

5 Day Nutritive Cleanse!

Feeling sluggish and want to shift a few pounds quickly?  this is for you!

The main reason for me wanting to lose a couple of pounds quickly was to take some pressure off my knees! 
Experts estimate that for every 1 pound of weight
, your knees feel the force of 3 pounds of pressure when you take a step - 
so losing 2 pounds will result in 6 pounds less pressure per knee, per step!  I am aiming to lose 2 pounds in the 5 days.   

Here are 5 videos recording my journey through the cleanse!  
Click on each day to see the recording (all about 5 minutes or less!) 

This cleanse was taken from Tuesday 19 May - to Saturday 23 May 2020
(and I lost 2lbs in weight!)