The Young Living Foundation supports many charities around the globe, but I decided to dedicate our YL Day to Sole Hope.
Sole Hope is a charity in Uganda who help children and adults who have jiggers. Jiggers are parasites that get into the soles of the feet and lay eggs which hatch and grow like little maggots. The result is that the children can't walk, run or go to school. Sole Hope has clinics, set up by Young Living, where the jiggers are removed (some of the children have to stay three weeks for this be completed), and they are taught hygiene and given shoes. The children can then walk, run and play again and most importantly, return to school.
The aim of Shoe Making Parties is to recycle denim clothes into the uppers for shoes for the patients of the clinics.
Here we are with the jackets and jeans we used to make the uppers.

The uppers are then sent to the organisation headquarters in Carolina who then send them to the clinics in Uganda.
Shoe makers then make up the shoes using old tyres for the soles of the shoes.
$100 is sent with every 10 pairs of shoes - which we raised from the YL Day- with the help of Juanita Shield-Laignal offering mini Indian Head Massage sessions for donations, and donations from the participants of the shoe making party.
This money is to pay the shoemakers, but also to buy the equipment for them to do so, and to support the clinics and all the equipment and supplies that they need too.
It was warm work! We were at Holme Grown, Jersey, on the hottest day of the year so far and it took much longer than we anticipated - but good fun was had by all and we would definitely do it again!

Botanica is an international conference held in Brighton at the University of Sussex. The conference is from 31st August to 3rd September.
It is a special conference in that it brings together people from a wide variety of fields who are interested in learning about plant based medicine and using it in their lives and careers. The conference is called
Celebrating Herbs and Clinical Aromatherapy
The speakers, of which there are many, include aromatherapists, herbalists, scientists, medical professionals, farmers and distillers.
One talk that particularly caught my eye by Felicity Warner is entitled
"Essential Oils: Working the Myrrhopore Way"
Felicity’s follows the ancient Myrrhophore tradition (one who works with Myrrh) which works with oils for their energetic properties to soothe trauma and soul pain. She runs the Soul Midwives School in Dorset, is a lecturer, author of three books on Soul Midwifery and is currently writing a book entitled The Sacred Oils.
I hope to see you there!