There has never been a better time to switch to chemical free products.
At last the media are reporting, almost on a daily basis, about the huge problem of plastic in our oceans and the threat to wildlife and Governments and businesses are listening and acting - the Government are even talking about putting a levy on one-use plastic items and companies like Iceland are talking about being plastic free within a few years. This is all great news, and although a bit late in the day to create mass public awareness to this huge problem - at least it is being addressed now.
It is with this in mind that the next Young Living Day - on Saturday 7th April - is focusing on the Chemical Free Family.
There are over 800 hosts all over Europe, so there is sure to be an event near you. The event I am hosting will be in Jersey, Channel Islands and will be great fun. There are lots of new products being launched with the theme Essential Oils in the Nursery, and there will also be a Dad’s Table and a chill out zone for mums. There will be competitions with prizes for the kids, and the shop at Feathers Healing, where the event is being held, will be open!
The whole emphasis of the Young Living Day will be on Chemical Free Families and I will have books for sale called The Chemical Free Home.
Recent research has shown that the air quality in our homes is worse than outside! Many people have no idea about the dangers of synthetic candles, air fresheners, fabric softeners and cleaning materials in their homes – so my talk about how to gradually reduce these items from your home, office and car and replace them with clean, green and safe products, should be of interest to many.
I look forward to seeing you on the 7th April, at Feathers Healing, St Saviour, Jersey, Channel Islands.