Chia seeds are an excellent source of nutrition, packed with fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and various essential minerals. Here are some ways to get the maximum health benefit from chia seeds:
- Soak them: Soaking chia seeds in water or any liquid for a few hours or overnight can help increase their nutritional value. When chia seeds soak, they form a gel-like substance that is easy to digest and absorb. This gel also helps slow down the digestion process, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and promote feelings of fullness.
- Add them to smoothies: Chia seeds

Essential oils can offer several benefits to individuals who are experiencing bereavement. Here are some ways in which they may be helpful:
Promoting relaxation: Essential oils such as lavender and chamomile are known for their calming properties. They can help reduce feelings of anxiety and promote relaxation, which can be particularly helpful for those who are grieving.
Easing physical symptoms: Some essential oils, such as peppermint and eucalyptus, have pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. They can help ease physical symptoms such as headaches and muscle tension, which are common during times of stress.
Supporting emotional well-being:
Keeping Your Marbles! Simple things you can do to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
Norman Cousins
Mental deterioration is so common among the elderly in the western world today that many assume that it's a normal and inevitable condition as people age. On the one hand we have ever increasing numbers of older people in modern western societies suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, deteriorating inexorably to the point whereby they no longer remember who they are or recognise loved ones. On the other hand, societies where people live well beyond seven score years and ten, (Okinawa, Abkhasia, Vilcabamba and Hunza) are happily going about their lives in their nineties and beyond, fully present both mentally and emotionally, playing a needed and important role in their families and societies.
The difference could hardly be more poignant.
What can be done?

You probably know that the yellow spice of turmeric is a stable ingredient in a good curry, but what you may not realise is that it can also be used to ease joint discomfort.
So what exactly is turmeric and how can it ease joint discomfort and muscular tiredness?
Turmeric is a flowering plant and a rhizome (like ginger. it's cousin), also known by the scientific name of Curcuma Longa. It's orange/yellow in colour and there are about 45 different species of it in India.
Practitioners of ayurvedic medicine have long used turmeric to combat pain.
Increasing minerals is one of the many things addressed on my 28 Day Health Challenge because they are vital for good health - but many people are deficient in them.
Read to the bottom to find out how you can do a home test to see if you are deficient in iodine – one of the important trace minerals.
We forget that we are made up of the substances of the earth!
We are sun, water, air, soil, minerals, seed, food, virus, bacteria, and parasites all living together.
We are a living biome.
Increasing iodine is one of the many things addressed on my 28 Day Health Challenge because it is vital for good health - but many people are deficient in it.
Read to the bottom to find out how you can do a home test to see if you are deficient in iodine.
Read to the bottom to find out how you can do a home test to see if you are deficient in iodine.
Iodine is directly related to the endocrine system (the hormone system). It supports our thyroid function, hormonal health, adrenal glands and .......

This critical function is regulated by your thyroid and your digestive health. It's hard to say which is more important. If you have been exposed to too many products that have hormone disrupters, your thyroid function will diminish. If your diet contains too many processed foods, GMOs, sugar and bad fats, your digestive path will lead to physical and mental fatigue.
It's all relative! A slow metabolism can be the direct result of....

Balancing Hormones is the key focus in my 28 Day Health Challenge - and covers 7 main hormones, including insulin, leptin and oestrogen and the foods that affects them.
The Endocrine System is being attacked by every 'hormone disrupter' man has created.
That includes fake food, packaging, clothing, .....

Avocados are one of the key foods in my 28 Day Health Challenge - which introduces you to epigenetics and covers how to balance, through what you eat, drink and how you sleep - 7 main hormones, including insulin, leptin and oestrogen and the foods that affects them. ~The Challenge starts on the 1st day of every month.
Avocados are one of the healthiest foods on the planet, and it is such a shame that so many people, especially women ........

Improving sleep is one of the first things addressed on my 28 Day Health Challenge - it is that important.
Have you ever heard the saying that you heal while you sleep? well, it's true, there are hundreds of evidence based trials that prove the body heals while in sleep mode.
Rejuvenation requires a state of rest for the body to repair.
That's why sleep is critical to our daily replenishment of energy at the cellular level and to reduce mental stress. Lack of rest and sleep creates...